Monday, June 5, 2017

TRANSFERRED. Waukesha 6/5/17

Dear all,
I'M GETTING TRANSFERRED! It didn't seem real until I found out where I'm going. I'm going to Oshkosh and my comp is sister Webb--we came out together, but not in the same district. I didn't know her super well, but it should be good! I will be the senior companion, which is weird. And nerve-racking! So that's the news. Other-wise it was a really good week, but very long for some reason. I can't believe a week ago it was Memorial Day haha. High-lights!

-Have I told you about our new ward mission leader? Brother Larson is awesome. He is super new to his calling and wants to magnify it to the best of his ability. He is going to be an amazing ward mission leader. We had a good correlation with him and the elders in our ward Wednesday night. Also on Sunday no one told the missionaries there wasn't any ward we all set up chairs and waited until church started. Brother Larson was sad that a couple of us were leaving. He's so nice! 

-We had an awesome lesson with Jerome--the black guy we tracted into on Memorial Day. He seems like an honest seeker of truth, so he is totally open to learning more. He gave the opening prayer in our lesson Thursday--which has never happened before. He started to read the Book of Mormon we left him and had questions about Joseph Smith. We brought an awesome sister from the ward with us who bore her powerful testimony at the end of our lesson. She used to be a Catholic so she related to him well. I really felt the urge to invite him to be baptized, so I did at the end. He was really thoughtful then said, I want to do what's right. So he didn't agree to a date, but maybe soon he will! We are super pumped about him. My favorite line he said was what he told his friend about his actions, "was God taking a nap?" Haha, he is just wonderful. 

-We've been doing our best to talk to everyone and the result was several surprise encounters haha. We think people realize we are walking up to them, but when we start talking a couple people jumped a mile! Hahaha! We even made a poor lady scream as we walked up to help her unload her groceries. Welp, we are trying!

-We discovered several people in the ward have moved in, so we decided to go visit them. But one lady said they moved a long time ago and please take her off our list! "The 'guys' stopped by last night and scared the living daylights out of us." Haha, so apparently scaring people is a thing haha.

-We are working with a recent convert, Sandy. She is super nice and loves our visits. She is struggling with her testimony though, it's still a tiny sapling, just a sprout (movie anyone?). She's been getting bombarded with anti-material too, so it's been hard for her. We are trying to help her. It just reminded me of the need, as missionaries, to baptize converts. We are here to help people come closer to Christ and develop a testimony of the Book of Mormon. She is wonderful though, sad to say goodbye.

-We had dinner with the Hassells on Sunday--they're so awesome! She is a Disney princess sister Wright decided. I love their family and girls (and the one little boy of course). It was so fun to go over for dinner. :)

So yeah, this week was good! There was one point during the week that I felt super happy. I realized that there is no other place I'd rather be than on a mission. So I guess when I feel comfortable enough to finally feel like that I know I will get transferred. I've been thinking a lot about Ether 12:4 lately, and it seems to sum up what I've learned recently. 
4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.
I've learned that faith in Christ is a deep abiding trust, which I may have mentioned already (sorry for the repeat). But as I've felt myself really trusting in Christ's power and strength, I see that I can do things I never could've done other wise. And as I have tried to turn outward and really loose myself in this work, I develop that trust. I am led to do good works and glorify God. So make sure you are leading with the faith you do have. :) I am excited for my next adventure in Oshkosh!

Have a blessed week and don't forget to be grateful. Love you all!
Sister Brianna Johns

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