Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Miracles and tears. Oshkosh 6/12/17

Hey all!

This week Wisconsin decided to slowly boil everyone. So that's been fun haha. But this week was crazy! Sister Kowallis and I ran around Tuesday like "chickens with our head cut off" (as sister Wright would've said). Then Wednesday brought transfers...and I've been trying to adjust to a new area ever since. I saw so many miracles this week though, or at least I've had time to reflect on all the miracles I've seen in Waukesha. I've seen how I have come to sincerely love the ward there--they are amazing people! And I've seen how the Lord really does bless you when you are diligent and hard working. So highlights!

-First off JEROME. So Tuesday we had a lesson with Jerome in the morning at a sweet members home. We had an awesome lesson on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. First he told us how some of his friends confronted him about meeting with the Mormons. But he explained that every step people take to try to dissuade him, will only make him more set on finding out the truth for himself. Yeah, he is so amazing! We were able to answer his questions about "Mr Smith." So near the end of the lesson he said that he was going to pray about this--he had questions answered so now he could pray. We didn't even ask him to! Then I asked him to be baptized...the long and short of his answer was he would as long as he got an answer to his prayer. And we set a date with him for July 15. Talking with him and seeing his real intent filled with so much joy. After he prayed I dropped and sad news--that I was leaving. His response: What? Well, I guess I understand, but...yuck! Aw, Jerome! He asked me my first name then started calling me Bre--man! My heart just melted. He is an amazing man and I feel privileged to have met and taught him.

-The sister that hosted our lesson with Jerome learned that I love Indian food...sooo she took us out for some. Bless her! It was sooo good. :) Almost as good as yours, mom! (not quite though:)

-Also on Tuesday we got to take out a brand new sister for a couple of hours. It was so fun! It was crazy to see how much I have learned in only 3 months. 

-Wednesday I had to say bye to sister was sad. But it has been fun getting to know sister Webb. Oshkosh is very different--well, the scenery isn't but the people are. :) I am excited to get to know the people in Oshkosh better and love them as much as I love the people in Waukesha. 

-SO funny story of the week. Once upon a time we thought that we had to die of heat in our apartment because we had no AC. Then all of the sudden I realized where it was! Praise the Lord we DO have AC. Moral of the story: always check out the big box behind the couch. :P

-Also we have a pet gorilla in our apartment and his job is to guard the door while we sleep. His name is Enrique. :)

So yeah, this week has been hopping. I have looooved Waukesha and am excited for Oshkosh (plus it's fun to say). I have realized coming to a new area how weak I really am. I don't know how to help these people or where to go to find those that are prepared. But I do know that the Lord knows. And He will bless us with success when He sees fit. All we need to do is our very best--and keep trying. I love the Scripture on Doctrine and Covenants 123:17:

17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

So don't give up on whatever  your are working toward. He knows you and loves you. You just might have to endure a little until the sun comes out. Anyways, love you all!! Have a blessed week and don't forget to laugh. :)

Sister Brianna Johns

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