Monday, April 24, 2017

First transfer down! Waukesha 4/24/17

Hello all!
Well, I am nearly done with my first transfer! It has probably been some of the longest 6 weeks of my life...but they have been wonderful, exciting, and a steep learning curve. Oh, and Wisconsin is blustery. It was quite windy this week. This week was also crazy...almost all of our appointments fell through. So that was sad and disappointing. It was the 'week from H' as sister Wright entitled it haha.  But we made it through! Now this next week will be super busy, so that's good. :) So highlights!
-At district meeting someone from each companionship gave a short training. So, of course, I was the sister who gave ours. It was on repentance so I got to study up on that. And it was kinda funny cause on Thursday we got a text from the Bishopric asking if I  could give a talk in sacrament meeting...on repentance. So I guess I need to remember what repentance is and how I can and should be repenting daily.
-Wednesday we had our one lesson of the week, with Nikki. We brought a sister from the ward who had fellow-shipped her before. She was awesome. And Nikki was really excited to see her. She respects her and listened to her a lot more than us--I guess I can't say I blame her. Who would really believe and trust a couple of 19 year olds who come in and teach that her religious beliefs aren't completely correct. Nikki is starting to take baby steps of progress--which is so exciting! Sister Loutensock basically taught the restoration for us and helped Nikki understand it better. She still didn't feel like she needed to be baptized however and declined my invitation to be baptized. We have another lesson with her tonight in sister Loutensock's home, so pray for us!
-Friday evening as we were tracting we found an entourage of kids following us to this door. One girl opened it--apparently it was her home--and yelled for her hermana. This happened for a couple of doors actually haha. It was fun to talk to a bunch of kids--at least they listened to us haha.
-We found quite a bit of time to visit less active this week and discovered that missionaries can often be used as therapists...because we are nice, quiet listeners. Whether we are able to get a word is edge wise is another matter.
-Saturday we didn't get to teach a lot, but we did get to do random service for people. We swept and mopped a lady's floor who just broke her arm, helped clean a birthday party up for a single sister in our ward who threw one for her 12 year old (they are the funniest family, the 12 year old kinda runs the house), and took dinner (left over pizza from the party) to Spring and her girls.
-So Sunday morning we got transfer texts. And yes...sister Wright is getting transferred! We were both so surprised! I am so sad. But honestly she is happy because she is going to be an STL is Green Bay area--a little less stress I guess. I feel bad for causing stress! But I am sad that she is leaving. My new trainer is sister Kowallis. I will meet her Wednesday!
So it's been a crazy week despite everything haha. I am nervous and excited to get a new trainer. I have to include a Mia-ism of the week (Spring's 8 year old).
"I am scared to watch the news now because of our president. Trump could've been a good guy, but he wasn't. I mean he could've been...but he isn't."
Every time we go over to their house it's a interpretive dance with words, as sister Wright called it. I know people usually don't send pictures home until they get transferred, but I had to take a picture with Spring and her girls because I love them. :) Anyways, since I have been thinking about repentance a lot I came across this scripture in Alma 17:
35 Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humilityand firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.
As we repent and humble ourselves before God, we grow to trust the Lord more. We come to realize that we can and should depend wholly on Him. I am at least learning how I can. 
Have a blessed week!

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